
Saturday, July 17, 2010


Google is a highly successful Internet business. Recently they have broaden their scope
with a multitude of new tools. Research Google business model and answer the ff.
questions below. You may add additional information not included in this question.

1. Who are they're competitors?

A year ago, Google named just two competitors.Microsoft and Yahoo,in its annual report to the U.S. . This year, Google lists 10 competitors by name in its recently filed 10-K report for 2009, including social sites , Youtube, Facebook and specialty search engines that dive deep into a specific category, such as travel site Kayak and health inquiry site Web-MD.While Google lists specific e-commerce and social network sites, Yahoo, the second leading U.S. search site with a wide array of other services, had a shorter list of competitors listed on its newly filed 10K.listing Google, Microsoft, AOL, and MySpace.

2. How have they used information technology to their advantage?

They used Information Technology as their advantages has change in many ways of how business conduct day to day transactions.Information Technology has not been as revolutionary as once thought. It did not revolutionize they way business is conducted, the basis is still there, and the traditional ways of conducting business are still there. Information
technology, has evolutionarily the way business is conduct, it became more
effective, more specific, but it is not radically transformed.Every now and then a technology, or set of technologies, comes along that offers a rich set of components that can be combined and recombined to create new products.

3. How competitive are they in the market?

The competitors in the market as one of the most highest competitors are the Google.Google is also the most dynamic site we used to Search some information around the world.
Google's pressing need to make the case to regulators that it has viable competitors, and has not become too dominant an Internet force.In Software Google is the most used search engine on the web with a 53.6% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search (12.9%). Google indexes billions of Web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators, although at any given time it will only return a maximum of 1,000 results for any specific search query.

4. What new services do they offer?

  • Book Search: Search the full text of books
  • Catalogs: Browse online catalogs
  • Calculator: Google has a built in calculator function. To compute enter the calculation into the Google search box and hit the Enter key
  • Currency Conversion: Google has a built-in currency converter. To convert, enter the conversion you'd like done into the Google search box and hit "Enter". For example you could use "100 USD in CAD" or "Canadian money in American dollar".
  • Definitions: To see a definition for a word or phrase, simply type the word "define," then a space, and then the word(s) you want defined.
  • File Types: Google Search automatically searches 12 non-HTML file types and provides an option to view as HTML. The file types appear in Google search results
  • Froogle: Google's product search (Shopping) service
  • Groups: Search results from Google Groups may appear at the bottom of your relevant search results page.
  • I'm Feeling Lucky: Skip the Google search results page and go to the first Web page returned for your query.
  • Images: Google Image Search shows images matching your search query.
  • Local Search: Search the Web for businesses in a specific area by including a city or zip code in your search and Google.
  • Movies: To find reviews and show times for movies playing near you, type "movies", "showtime" or the name of a current film into the Google search box.
  • Music Search: Enter the name of an artist popular in the U.S. and reviews, song titles, and more is shown at the top of the search results.
  • News Headlines: These links connect you to reports culled from numerous news services that Google continuously monitors.
  • PhoneBook: U.S. street address and phone number look up publicly listed phone numbers and addresses
  • Refine Search: For searches within certain topics, you'll notice links at the top of the search results page that help you narrow the search.
  • Results Prefetching: On some searches, Google automatically instructs your browser to start downloading the top search result before you click on it so the destination page loads faster.
  • Search By Number: Parcel tracking IDs, patents and other specialized numbers can be entered into Google's search box for quick access to information about them.
  • Similar Pages Display: The "Similar Pages" sends Google to scout the Web for pages that are related to the result.
  • Site Search Restrict: Type the word site" followed by a colon enables you to restrict your search to a specific site. For example "memory" would search only
  • Spell Checker: Google's spell checking software automatically looks at your query and checks to see if you are using the most common version of a word's spelling, and may offer spelling suggestions.
  • Stock Quotes: Enter a stock of mutual fund symbol in the search box to obtain fund quotes
  • Street Maps: Use a U.S. street address with Zip or City and state to search. When recognized links are returned from Google Maps
  • Travel Information: Use an airport's three letter code followed by the word "airport" to obtain delay and weather condition information.
  • Weather Check: Type "weather," followed by the location to obtain weather information
  • Web Page Translation: For results in other languages, click "Translate this page" and translate that page into your language.
  • Who Links To You?: The query link:siteURL shows you pages that point to that URL. For example will show all Web sites linking to Webopedia.
5. What makes them so unique?

They are so unique because Google are the most biggest and fastest search engine in the
Google is the most highly recommended site for searching.Google also a popular search engine.It
is a tool for finding resources on the
WWW or World Wide Web. Google scans web pages to find instances of the
keywords you have entered in the search box.
Also they are not as search engine but also in
books,movies also this blogger is made by Google. They also offer travel information, news
currency converter and weather check up.

6. How competitive are they in the international market?
The assertion that Google has a lot to learn in its international
efforts couldn't be more over-stated.Google has had success in the
international environment, including greater market share than in the
domestic market, that every Internet company would covet.Google has had success with other products abroad, most notably its Orkut
social network which has bombed domestically to its MySpace, Facebook, and
Linked-in brethren, yet has taken off in huge countries such as India and Brazil.Google should be sensitive to
cultural sensitivities and will face different regulatory environments abroad,
but the truth is that Google has been remarkably successful internationally in
large part due to the international word-of-mouth generated by their product
and feature set.

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